Friday, February 13, 2009

Really Quick...

I mentioned that I finished Winter Semester yesterday, so I've been trying to relax as much as possible. It has become so hard, since I still have so much to do even when I'm not worrying about school.

So, today I baked. Still not posting the recipe until I actually give them out, which will be tomorrow. I only finished 2/3 of what I have to do but I think the rest will be for family anyways, and they will probably eat them as I'm finishing to make them so I guess it works out! I tried taking pictures while making them, but it was all rainy and dark and I hate using flash, so they will just have to wait till tomorrow!

In a rush, still have to shower and get ready to leave in an hour to see Coraline in 3D. But here is a picture of Moto, my family's dog, being very photogenic as usual. He's just a big goof ball.

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