Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Finals, among other things.

I know I promised that I would post pictures and things, but it's the night before a final, and I still have tons of homework that needs to be done. So for now you will have to be happy with this picture I took about a month ago when I went to the mountains with my mom and sisters. I love these trees, they sit right next to a water fall. Simply beautiful.

I took some pictures of a couple new things I bought last night at Target, but I haven't uploaded them onto the computer yet, so that will have to wait until tomorrow.

I am also baking tomorrow for Valentines day gifts, so be ready for some amazingly yummy pictures. I'll post the recipe after I've given them out, so that if you wanted, you can make them as well!

Okay, I'm off to do laundry, homework, and hopefully get to bed early, which probably wont happen tonight.

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