Wednesday, February 18, 2009


So, I'll admit that I have been procrastinating a lot lately and I think its from just being so tired. I would rather be sleeping or trying to take a nap then even go on the internet or play my favorite video game, animal crossing. When I'm not hanging out with friends or going to school, I try and get as much sleep as possible, I've just been so dang tired!

But anyways, aside from that, I haven't even been on my laptop at all lately because its been broken! My boyfriend (Justin) had broken the connector thing for the charger, so there was really no way of charging it to use it. Plus the battery has been on the fritz. It would only hold a charge for about 3 mins, and then turn off. I uploaded some pictures, and was gonna make this big Valentines day post with the recipe for the truffles I made as Valentines but that didn't work out because I could not even get on my computer to post them up. So now I have to re-upload them because they disappeared randomly. I promise that next time I post, which will be tomorrow, I'll post the recipe, not that anyone cares.

Had my first day of Spring classes! Yoga went really well and I am super excited to start that class offically next week. Need to find a really cute mat to use. Ashley got into that class too, and Kristins brother TJ is in there as well, so its gonna be a fun semester! Math with Jennie was interesting. Our teacher is "fabulous", if you know what I mean, and I don't think he realizes just how funny he is. He's straight to the point so I think I'll do alright overall. Dont have my history class until next monday, so that should be fun too.

No picture today because I am lazy and tired. So goodnight.

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