Wednesday, February 18, 2009


So, I'll admit that I have been procrastinating a lot lately and I think its from just being so tired. I would rather be sleeping or trying to take a nap then even go on the internet or play my favorite video game, animal crossing. When I'm not hanging out with friends or going to school, I try and get as much sleep as possible, I've just been so dang tired!

But anyways, aside from that, I haven't even been on my laptop at all lately because its been broken! My boyfriend (Justin) had broken the connector thing for the charger, so there was really no way of charging it to use it. Plus the battery has been on the fritz. It would only hold a charge for about 3 mins, and then turn off. I uploaded some pictures, and was gonna make this big Valentines day post with the recipe for the truffles I made as Valentines but that didn't work out because I could not even get on my computer to post them up. So now I have to re-upload them because they disappeared randomly. I promise that next time I post, which will be tomorrow, I'll post the recipe, not that anyone cares.

Had my first day of Spring classes! Yoga went really well and I am super excited to start that class offically next week. Need to find a really cute mat to use. Ashley got into that class too, and Kristins brother TJ is in there as well, so its gonna be a fun semester! Math with Jennie was interesting. Our teacher is "fabulous", if you know what I mean, and I don't think he realizes just how funny he is. He's straight to the point so I think I'll do alright overall. Dont have my history class until next monday, so that should be fun too.

No picture today because I am lazy and tired. So goodnight.

Monday, February 16, 2009


Okay, I know, I haven't been updating. But I promise that awesome things are coming!

And now I'm off because my laptop is gonna die, and my mom is taking me shopping, which has not happened in....forever.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Really Quick...

I mentioned that I finished Winter Semester yesterday, so I've been trying to relax as much as possible. It has become so hard, since I still have so much to do even when I'm not worrying about school.

So, today I baked. Still not posting the recipe until I actually give them out, which will be tomorrow. I only finished 2/3 of what I have to do but I think the rest will be for family anyways, and they will probably eat them as I'm finishing to make them so I guess it works out! I tried taking pictures while making them, but it was all rainy and dark and I hate using flash, so they will just have to wait till tomorrow!

In a rush, still have to shower and get ready to leave in an hour to see Coraline in 3D. But here is a picture of Moto, my family's dog, being very photogenic as usual. He's just a big goof ball.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Whats wrong with this picture?

Answer: Absolutely nothing.

That picture was from last weekend, when some friends and I went to Barnes and Noble, and we walked right past the baked goods, and I simply couldn't resist that chocolate cupcake. Not to mention when I look up at the menu, my eyes went directly to the chai tea latte. I couldn't help thinking about how my cousin said something about adding raspberry flavor to it, so I went for it. Not only is the drink amazingly yummy, it turns the liquid pink, which makes me really happy. Oh, and the Starbucks is right next to the magazines, so I grabbed a couple of crafting ones, which are all Valentines Day themed. I've been in this weird pink phase, probably because of Valentines day being 2 days away.

Anyways, I finished winter semester today, and I'm feeling good. Now its time to start a new semester, which includes yoga, another math class, and my favorite...History! I hope I get some good teachers. I'm excited to take yoga with Ashley! Yay!

No baking today, decided to get up tomorrow and do it. I'm so excited to bake! And to see Coraline tomorrow in 3D. Need to read the book as well....

Time to relax and pick up Justin from work. Then hopefully, some fun tonight! Have a wonderful Thursday.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Finals, among other things.

I know I promised that I would post pictures and things, but it's the night before a final, and I still have tons of homework that needs to be done. So for now you will have to be happy with this picture I took about a month ago when I went to the mountains with my mom and sisters. I love these trees, they sit right next to a water fall. Simply beautiful.

I took some pictures of a couple new things I bought last night at Target, but I haven't uploaded them onto the computer yet, so that will have to wait until tomorrow.

I am also baking tomorrow for Valentines day gifts, so be ready for some amazingly yummy pictures. I'll post the recipe after I've given them out, so that if you wanted, you can make them as well!

Okay, I'm off to do laundry, homework, and hopefully get to bed early, which probably wont happen tonight.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


So I guess this is the generic first post. I am devoted to write on this thing every day. I promise to post as many pictures as possible, because I can. So here it goes...wish me luck!

P.S. The real posting will begin tomorrow, so I can finish my homework, which I have A LOT of.